Monday, December 28, 2009
2010 On The Good Foot With Maceo Parker
So now I am hell bent about bringing music back to the foreground with relentless drive and ambition. It is the only way I know how. So count me in! We are looking at a brand new decade approaching. What better time to inhale a deep breath and begin cultivating with every exhale. Excuse me for having such optimistic relevance, but that is what music does to my soul. It empowers me to do the impossible. Jimi Hendrix called it the power of soul. And that's what it's going to take to get what I want. And those that know me, know what it is that I want and who I want in my life...
With that I will turn you over to Maceo Parker. This song somehow reminds me of the years 2000 to 2008. I have to remember to keep my feet from out of the way of bad politics and economic trampling. Maybe even try and reteach some of these greedy politicians of all parties with the music. Some of them, at least.
This is a good year for self redemption. The best way to show others the path is to walk down it.
“Elephant’s Foot” by Maceo Parker
(Down load this mp3 at my newest site: Uncle samurai 2ten)
your friendly cyberhood
Uncle Samurai

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Lightnin' Hopkins "Happy New Year"
But that was then and soon we will start a new. A perfect time to let go and move forward.
By the middle of 2010, I should be alright and the last decade will have been worth wading through. Sometimes the pains of life are overshadowed by the future that is so bright.
Meanwhile I need to revel in the blues with some Lightnin' Hopkins...
Your Friendly Cyberhood
Uncle Samurai

Monday, December 21, 2009
Public Domain 2ten is here for your holiday blues...and mine

For those of us with the Blues...whether it's the holidays or'll sneak up on ya...this goes out to that special someone I have to let go...
<3 U always...
Robert Johnson – “Kindhearted Woman Blues” mp3
Browse here for some great blues mp3s...if you feel like it.
your friendly cyberhood
Uncle Samurai,

Friday, December 18, 2009
Why I Like Pink, Besides How Hot She Is...

RESPECT to Pink. She manages to say the things that should be said from a celebrity's mouth with out losing basic common sense. Whenever Pink is quoted, I usually agree with her statements as if I were listening to her at a local pub or something. She just doesn't seem that big headed about herself. A very good role model, so far, for other artists, I think...maybe Britney should listen to her...Here's that article:
Pink 'Blasts Britney For Miming'
Pink is not impressed by Britney Spears when the singer performs - because she hates the fact the 'Womanizer' star mimes to her hits.
The 'So What' singer said: "I'm not taking anything away from Britney because I really like her a lot, but I would never go to a show where the person was lip-synching." (continue reading)

Friday, December 11, 2009
Golf Star Tiger Woods Reputation Uncaged

Well, it seems you can't have it all. Even if you have a billion dollars. And to me, that's having most of all of it. But in lieu of this scandal, I admit that if you are going to live one it to the fullest. I think as Tiger Woods get's older his memory will split into two categories. One for the life he lived below his belt...and for the one above.
His 22 apologies ought to sort things out, eh?
Anyway, out of all the things said so far from his "affair committee," these stand out in my mind the most:
Tiger mother-in-law rushes back to house
Tiger Woods’ stricken mother-in-law, Barbro Holmberg, rushed to the hospital after collapsing yesterday, was treated and quickly rushed back to Woods’ home today, sources reported. “I hate missing any of this fun,” she texted a nurse she had met at the hospital.
Tiger Woods’ gardener collapses, rushed to hospital
An unknown woman, believed to be a sex slave of Tiger Woods’, called 911 today and frantically pleaded for an ambulance to be sent to the golf superstar’s residence. “Tony the gardener is down!” she could be heard saying on police tapes while sobbing. “He can’t take the stress anymore.”
Have a grrrrreat weekend!
your friendly cyberhood
Uncle Samurai
(who is also black and asian, but does not condone Woods behavior)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
"67" Part 2
I must admit I have way more fun on the guitar...
Jimi Hendrix would have been 67 years old on November 27th 2009