Riots or Revolution? What seems to be the difference between the two? The London riots caught our attention fast and the response was a split decision, as I recall. So let's try and find the instruction manual for Riots and Revolutions. Don't worry, I'll wait...
While we are waiting for the rule book...
I will mention that what happened in Egypt was called a revolution. Why? Well...because after years and years of tyranny and oppression, the people finally said, "ENOUGH" and went down to the town square and stood there in protest with demands. They were unified and seemed organized. They were not violent about it, really. Although there was much violence reported. Things were smashed and blown up, some people died...but they were persistent enough to get the change they were asking for: Revolution.
In 1789 The French did the same thing. We have Bastille day to remember it by. The epic march to Versailles that forced the Royal Court back to Paris. Economic factors included rising bread prices after years of poor grain harvest. Another cause was the state's effective bankruptcy due to the enormous cost of previous wars, particularly the financial strain caused by the French participation in the American Revolutionary War. So, the French people decided it was time for a revolution. Things were smashed and blown up, a lot of people died...but they were persistent enough to get the change they were asking for: Revolution.
And that reminds me of one of our own American Revolutions. Not the first one that kicked out the British. But the Civil War that happened later. The one about Slavery and the succession of states from the union. I mean, it took a few hundred years to boil the pot, but when it did, we ended up having the bloodiest revolutionary war in America's history. The whole country was like an out of control riot for years. HELLA shit was smashed and blown up, HELLA people died...but they were persistent enough to get the change they were asking for: Revolution.
And so now this London thing. It's had the ingredients of a revolution. But for some reason it was not given the right amount of ingredients that a revolution requires. And many condemned the "blacks" for going as crazy as they did. Looting and pillaging without proper organization makes the military grunt with disgust. Perhaps if they had just waited for a few hundred more years, all the people would have all joined in and declared a revolution. However...Things were smashed and blown up, some died...but they were NOT persistent enough to get the change they were asking for. In fact, now their own people hate them and want to blame them for what the elite and wealthy are creating from their high ranks above.
Every generation has their version of "The Man" and it only takes a few people to damn him into submission. If they are organized. I hope the Londoners regroup and really think about what just happened. Compared to their previous civil war in 1642, there are definitely some notes worth jotting down.
It would be nice to NOT have that happen again...without proper organization and support from all who need to be involved...considering the poor and middle class out number the rich and wealthy by a huge amount.
And here is a song that was inspired by the London Riots. Damn the man...
Your friendly cyberhood
Uncle Samurai
You hit the nail right on the head Moose!
You hit the nail right on the head Moose!
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