Tuesday, August 10, 2010

On My Way

From my secret hideout cabin in the sky of Rockridge, I have composed a song about the legalization of WEED. Yes, WEED. Marijuana. Pot. Hippy Hay. Herb. Grass. The natural ememy of Dupont Chemicals.
It wasn't my idea to legalize it. I just wrote a song about it.
Imagine, if you will, a person behind bars for selling weed. Then one day the warden appears in front of the cell and says," You are free..."
I just sat with a pen one day and imagined what that person would say...this is what I came up with.

You mean to tell me, kind sir
I don't belong here no more...
well if you please...open up the door, I'll be on my way
I 've been inside here so long
only to find out you're wrong
well if you please...hand me my phone and I'll be on my way

They legalized it, yeah. There aint much more to say
So if you don't mind, sir, opening the door...I'll be on my way

No one to blame here this time
My crime has been redefined
So please...if you wouldn't mind...I'll be on my way
I got a new chance somehow
and my jobs not illegal now
so please...unless you need a pound...I'll be on my way

They legalized it, yeah. There aint much more to say
So if you don't mind, sir, opening the door...I'll be on my way

There is one rule before we are done
Can't smoke under 21
That don't apply to everyone...so I'll be on my way

They legalized it, yeah. There aint much more to say
So if you don't mind, sir, opening the door...I'll be on my way

words and music by Musashi Lethridge
your friendly cyberhood
Uncle Samurai

1 comment:

Love Finds You said...

Smooth and sexy, just like you.