Sunday, November 9, 2008

I saw the legendary Bill Cosby last night...

I went and saw Bill Cosby last night at the Lincoln theatre in Napa. Tickets were a treat by a woman/friend/lover. I was honored to be there...we laughed so hard I think there was dribble...

The first thing that Mr. Cosby talked about was the fact that people in the illustrious, wealthy Napa Wine Valley should remember that water shortage in California should not be a mystery. In fact Mr. Cosby reminded us all that... is my version of his comedy
in a blog...

... a long time ago, somewhere in Spain there were a few Europeans who were in search of herbs and spices. They decided to go to India. The queen sent them off to find India. They did not find it. No. They were pretty far off, actually. Where they ended up Can you imagine being here when they got here? A bunch of lost sea travelers in search of some place. Calling the people Indians because they thought they were in India. They were just lost European Spaniards, is all. In search of herbs and spices. Well..a few things got sorted...a few things did not. And now here we are today. Quite a few Europeans have come over since 1492. Moving into places all over the continent; subsequently named America to avoid any further embarrassment. The natives, who were once falsely named Indians, had been here for so long that they new where to live and where not to, according to the climate and the change of the seasons. Did the Europeans listen to the natives? No. The natives in California told them not to move into the canyons. Did the Europeans listen? No. They moved right on in and the first thing they did, actually, was move...right into the fire ridden ,windy, lightening rod inhabited canyons. Before the Europeans lived here, you have to imagine a place where the balance was suitable for the amount of people who were already here. The natives didn't really tax the environment that much ya know.Back then there was enough water to go around...for the people...

Bill Cosby always redeems himself in my eyes no matter what the media tries to say about him. He is like the Lao Tzu of African American comedy to me.
He ended the night with the legendary dentist skit.

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